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中国云南省民族艺术研究院,云南艺术学院文华研究所,云南师范大学艺术学院声乐教授, 歌唱家。中国赴印度访问学者,中国赴法国歌剧表演艺术访问学者。

Lilian Liao

Professor of Vocal Music at Yunnan National Arts Research, Yunnan Province, China; Wenhua Institute of Yunnan Academy of Arts; School of Arts at Yunnan Normal University. Vocal Music Artist and Chinese visiting scholar to India; Chinese visiting scholar of French opera performing arts to France. 

Chansing Dai

音乐老师(小提琴,吉他,架子鼓,钢琴)/CG与动画老师。在音乐,CG,动画,设计方面经验丰富。为Crunchy Studio制作3D游戏动画,并担任过StudioX音乐动画项目导演,旧金山多支乐队的乐手,前同济吉他协会会长,Joying Music机构乐器老师。有多年的设计,动画,音乐方面工作经验。本科毕业于同济大学设计创意学院(全球top15),主修工业设计,辅修音乐。硕士毕业于旧金山艺术大学,主修3D动画。

Chansing Dai

is our Music Instruments instructor (Violin, Guitar, Drum, Piano)/Computer Graphics and Animation Instructor. He has great experiences in Music, CG, Animation, and Design Industry. He has made game animation for Crunchy studio and worked as an animation director in StudioX for a live music animation project. He is also a musician that plays instruments in several bands locally and teaches instruments for several years. He graduates from Tongji University College of Design and Innovation (Top 15 Global) with a Bachelor of Engineer in Industrial Design major and received his MFA from Academy of Art University as a 3D Animator. He also has a minor degree in Music when gaining his Bachelor’s.

Fine Art

Jane Shen

美术老师,MFA硕士,2020院线电影The Other Side of Infinity分镜画手,本科毕业于南京财经大学艺术设计学院,主修动画,硕士毕业于旧金山艺术大学,主修故事版,插画。拥有多年的传统绘画教学经验与扎实的绘画基础,同时也在时下流行的数字手绘(Digital Painting)方面有颇多经验。

Jane Shen

is our art instructor. She used to be the storyboard artist of the feature film: The Other Side of Infinity. She received her MFA from Academy of Art University, major in Storyboard; and BFA from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics – college of design and art, major in Animation. She has several years of experience in art education, and her skills in traditional art are pretty solid. Besides, she is also skillful in digital painting.


黄 琼

资深 编,舞,导艺术家

美国琼雅舞蹈艺术学院及中美明星演艺文化艺术交流中心的创始人、院长;  美国华人舞蹈家协会常务理事; 曾多次被邀请在世界顶级的舞台演出;教舞20多年常常带领学生在国内外权威级世界舞蹈比赛中勇夺大奖并多次获得“最佳原创编舞奖”;曾获中央电视台“最佳导师”全国百强艺术教师称号及特别贡献优秀导师奖!

Jane Huang  

Dance instructor ,& Choreographer 

Principal and founder of Jane Huang Dance Academy & AC Star Performing Cultural and Arts Center; Executive director of U.S. Chinese Dance Association; She has been invited many times to perform on the world’s top stages; She has had over 20 years of experience for teaching dance, her students gets a lot of awards in world class dance competitions and she got many  “Best Choreographer” award; She has also won the CCTV  “Best Instructor” award and the “Special Contribution” award!

Ruby Qiao 乔麟钧

毕业于北京舞蹈学院,曾在战旗歌舞团和西藏歌舞团接受过专业训练,曾参加过国内各种大型文艺演出荣获一等奖。农行大赛,民舞和探戈的融合风;空航管理局大赛藏族舞与踢踏舞的融合风等。与战旗歌舞团多次参加各类演出,军舞,藏族舞,现代舞等。曾在四川大学任教舞蹈专业培训老师及编导师。从小对舞蹈的热爱,生命中燃烧着不灭舞蹈火种。 一直以来对东方舞的情有独钟,对女性形体追求完美,对教学有着丰富的经验,对学员有极好的耐心!多年来得到各地学员好评!

Michelle Chang

A San Francisco native, Michelle Chang started ballet at a young age and trained with the San Francisco Ballet School for several years. She went on join the Lowell High School Dance Company, and has explored styles including hip-hop, jazz, lyrical contemporary, and Chinese traditional dance in college at UC Berkeley.

Michelle has taught at AAI previously and is offering specialties in lyrical contemporary and hip-hop. 


出生在三藩市, 從小開始學習芭蕾,在三藩市芭蕾舞學校訓練了幾年。她加入了洛威爾高中舞蹈團,並在加州大學伯克利分校大學探索了嘻哈、爵士樂、抒情當代舞和中國傳統舞蹈等風格。
